Seongsan Ilchulbong

Seongsan Ilchulbong showing landscape views, general coastal views and views

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Take the easy walk to the top of this volcanic crater for some of the best views on the island.

Also known as ‘Sunrise Peak’, Seonsang Ilchulbong is revered by locals and tourists for its early morning views. It’s an easy walk to the top of the former volcano, where the vistas across the island and over the ocean are breathtaking at any time of day. Take a seat beside the gaping crater and cast your eyes east to watch the sun creep up over the ocean and turn the sky a burning red.

Seonsang Ilchulbong is located on the eastern side of Jeju Island. The peak was formed by volcanic activity under the sea several hundred thousand years ago. At nearly 600 feet (182 meters) high, it is not a difficult climb, and most people will make the walk up and back in approximately one hour.

Follow the well-maintained pathway and steps up the northwest side of the mountain. In spring, the surrounding fields are a mass of bright yellow rapeseed flowers, adding an extra dimension of color to your photographs. Unusual rock formations that look like carved spires cover the side of the volcano. If you’re a plant lover then keep an eye out for the rare plant life that grows on the side of the cone, with ferns and orchids among the noteworthy species found here.

Expect breathtaking views across the nearby towns, the surrounding peninsula and beyond once you get to the top. Don’t forget to peer into the crater. The hole is 1,968 feet (600 meters) wide, and gives some idea of the size of the explosion that formed the peak.

On your way down look out for Jeju Island’s famous female divers. These ‘Haenhyo’ use rocks at the foot of the mountain as a base. The divers hold their breath for up to two minutes at a time as they hunt for abalone. There are daily shows, and bowls of the Jeju speciality, abalone porridge, to try.

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak is a 90-minute bus ride from Jeju City. It is open all year round, except in bad weather. The gates open one hour before sunrise each day, giving you plenty of time to get to the top if you want to experience the beauty of a sunrise over the sea.

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